Our Projects
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Look At Our Projects
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Donec Sodales Sagittis Magna. Sed Consequat, Leo Eget Bibendum Sodales, Augue Velit Cursus Nunc, Quis Gravida Magna Mi A Libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.
Back To School
In the wake of the growing challenges and in order to preserve the next generation of leaders and save the larger society, MOCSA embarked on the idea of taking children from selling on the streets and placed them in schools. Additionally, MOCSA provided support, including copy books, book bags, and other school materials to underprivileged children
Personal Hygiene Promotion
Activities carried out by MOCSA Foundation in creating awareness of Adolescence reproductive healthcare education and personal hygiene management. This program was attended by 10 Elementary and Junior High Schools. Over the years MOCSA have engaged in various sensitization program on personal hygiene.
Covid-19 Awareness
MOCSA-Foundation carried out awareness on CORONAVIRUS at the Liberia National Fire Service (LNF), Slipway zone 2 deport 2, Liberia National Fire Service (LNF) and in several schools across Liberia. The lack of hygiene in the world has played a vital role in triggering several chronic diseases such as Covid-19, Hence we have also embarked on SWOT Testing and sensitization.
Zero Tolerance For Rape Campaign
MOCSA in collaboration with Gender and the rest of the World, We say ZERO TOLERANCE for RAPE. Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. So we as Groups, Organizations, and Institutions that are advocating, we should keep creating more awareness and keep educating women about how to defend themselves.
Mobile Health Care
MOCSA Mobile Health Care services are delivered anytime and anywhere most especially in the hard-to-reach areas we have visited Kenyon Farm Gorlorhumeh Clan, Bongmines road, Margibi, and Central Bongmine Fuami District, Bong counties, Arthington, in Rural Montserrado as well as Koon Town, Todee District, Montserrado County, QUANYONDEE and surroundings to mention a few.
Project In Grand Cape Mount
creating awareness on Adolescence reproductive healthcare education and personal hygiene management. and awareness of COVID 19…more coming soon
Project In Margibi
Mobile Clinic outreach and awareness on COVID 19 and creating awareness on Adolescence reproductive healthcare education and personal hygiene management.
Project In Bong
Mobile Medical Clinic outreach and awareness on COVID 19
creating awareness on Adolescence reproductive healthcare education and personal hygiene management. and awareness of COVID 19, paying school fees for girls
Project In Montserrado
creating awareness on Adolescence reproductive healthcare education and personal hygiene management. and awareness on COVID 19 Also carrying out Mobile medical outreach.
Coming Soon.
Medical Mission in Southern Liberia
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Coming Soon.
Medical Mission in Western Liberia
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Coming Soon.
Medical Mission
National Community Health Strategy seeks to continue community engagement and increase access to health to catchment communities living beyond 5km which has complemented our mobile outreach services to support the Reaching every pregnant woman, Reaching every district to reduce maternal and child mortality and mobility. Gender Equality and the Rule of Law in Liberia: Statutory Law, Customary Law, and the Status of Women which seeks to address inequality of women’s rights issues and improve women’s capacity on their rights to education, reproductive health, property, employment, economic opportunities, and most importantly, their rights to participate in the making of laws that directly affect them.

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